Monday, July 15, 2013

7/15/13 And its....this o-o

The More years to Pass, The deeper my thoughts. Deeper and deeper, darker and darker and Im afraid if I get any deeper I wont ever come back. The More tears I shed, the less meaniful everything has once meant. Self harm, deep thoughts, and wishful days, the years stretch and the days seem longer. Im off in the clouds, in the world they call Hell. To what I once called life seems now just a haze. Wishful thinking has become High hopes that soon become let down and left you back into the misery of reality. And through it all I stand high with my battle scars waiting to show everyone to let them know how far I made it with or without them. And one day it will be better but right now I will manage with what I have and continue in fear of what my future will end up as. The past makes your future and it leaves me terrified...

Heres To...

Heres To the one who fakes that smile all day and goes home to feel lonely and sad. Heres to the one that they said wouldnt ever acheive it, Heres to the one they said would never make it,The one who DID make it this far being proud of their battle scares. Heres to the one who is discrimanated by race,orientation,and religion. Heres to the that one person who cries every night because of all they go through. Heres to that one special person. Its To Me and You, we are Beautiful, we are accepted, we are here for a reason and why we made it this far. HERES TO US.! C:
She paints a pretty picture so beautiful and so sound. Her canvas is her wrist and the paint her is her blood and her tears come Down in floods. Red paint slowly turned into black lines. What seemed so beautiful turned out so ugly. The pretty picture was really a solemn stick figure and now its nothing but spilled paint and black lines. Reality of it all was all she needed was paper and not her wrist with a marker not a knife now wouldnt that have been an amazing twist...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

R.I.P. ♥♥♥

 God Looked Around His Garden,
And He Found An Empty Place.
He Looked Down Upon Earth,
And Saw Your Empty Face.
He put his Arm Around You,
And Lifted you To Rest.
God's Garden Must Be Beautiful,
Because He always Takes The Best.

He Knew You Were Suffering,
He Knew You Were In pain.
He Knew You would Never,
Get well On Earth Again.

He Saw the Road was Getting Rough,
And the Hills Were Hard To Climb.
So He Closed Your Weary Eyes,
And Said "Peace Be Thine".

It Was Hard to Lose you,
But You Didn't Go Alone.
For Part of us Went With You,
The Day God Called You Home.

IMAGINE-nation c:

         Head in the clouds, air in my lungs, and My body floats. To the sky, up up and away. Imagination, It takes me above the clouds and above the sky, father than anything and I just watch as I fly. All my Worries disappear with all the things I once called My fears. I bounce along singing with the wind. I feel free I scream, and as I look into the sun, my skin glistens and glows and I feel the warmth to what used to feel so cold. Mirror, Mirror on the wall SHH, Do you hear that.? It's Evil's call, but I skip off on the clouds leaving the ugly calls. Play time is over and time to go home so I close my eyes as I feel my body fall. It was fun while it lasted but its time for imaginations clash and its time for my rest. Next time for sure I will have my heart pure and It will last longer and I will imagine a lot more.

Friday, June 28, 2013


Sometimes a crumb falls 
from the tables of joy,
Sometimes a bone is flung.

To some people 
Love is given, 
to others only Heaven.

   -Langston Huges