Monday, July 15, 2013

7/15/13 And its....this o-o

The More years to Pass, The deeper my thoughts. Deeper and deeper, darker and darker and Im afraid if I get any deeper I wont ever come back. The More tears I shed, the less meaniful everything has once meant. Self harm, deep thoughts, and wishful days, the years stretch and the days seem longer. Im off in the clouds, in the world they call Hell. To what I once called life seems now just a haze. Wishful thinking has become High hopes that soon become let down and left you back into the misery of reality. And through it all I stand high with my battle scars waiting to show everyone to let them know how far I made it with or without them. And one day it will be better but right now I will manage with what I have and continue in fear of what my future will end up as. The past makes your future and it leaves me terrified...

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