Tuesday, July 2, 2013

IMAGINE-nation c:

         Head in the clouds, air in my lungs, and My body floats. To the sky, up up and away. Imagination, It takes me above the clouds and above the sky, father than anything and I just watch as I fly. All my Worries disappear with all the things I once called My fears. I bounce along singing with the wind. I feel free I scream, and as I look into the sun, my skin glistens and glows and I feel the warmth to what used to feel so cold. Mirror, Mirror on the wall SHH, Do you hear that.? It's Evil's call, but I skip off on the clouds leaving the ugly calls. Play time is over and time to go home so I close my eyes as I feel my body fall. It was fun while it lasted but its time for imaginations clash and its time for my rest. Next time for sure I will have my heart pure and It will last longer and I will imagine a lot more.

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