Friday, June 21, 2013


My Blog is to be about my thoughts and feelings through the journey of my life.   To see the world as if your were to experience it in my eyes. Nothing held back and all opinionated. If you were to not like you don't have to read it plain and simple as that. Rainbow Skittled, meaning Different feelings, different days ^_^and you get to read it all.

Brianna, 15(16 November.! YAY.!~), quiet individual but yet very outspoken. Blogging isn't for me, let me tell you this now. I think this is a challenge for me to make things as interesting as I can for people to read. I have dreams and goals in life like to be the very first veterinarian to walk the red carpet (Don't Laugh -.-). Wish : Meet everybody in the world that favors my personality because they are the outmost interesting people in the world. I'm like the biggest little kid you could ever meet. Buh Bye :)

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