Thursday, June 27, 2013

Express Yourself.! ^_^

   Be free to express yourself. You have no choice but to be yourself because everyone else is taken. Why would you be scared to be anybody but you, Don't go by what others think of you If they like you then congrats but if they don't then tell them mind their business and Buh-bye, have a nice day. Originality is Key, and if you're weird then be weird [(THE NEW NORMAL)] And if you wanna be a normal dried up sponge then you be the best dang Dried up sponge that you can be. People follow at times because they just wanna fit in with the crowd and not stand out. Just be YOU, And if some can't accept you then that's their loss and somebody else will love you for you. Express your inner self and I promise you will be a lot happier than trying to be someone other than you...

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