Monday, June 24, 2013

~~~~5Year old girl shot in the head in New Orleans.~~~~

      Reports say that the little girl was at home locked in her room while her mother was at the store when she came back and the girl was suffering from the gunshot to the head Sunday evening. Okay, well, why would you even think of leaving a 5year old at home by herself, that don't even sound good. What type of store were you going to that made you have to leave your child at home.? Then If you had "locked" her in her room then how did the little girl get the gun, and why was it  in reach for her to get it or one even in the house.? The whole story doesn't sound right. It just doesn't add up. Then what doesn't help the situation was that  the little girl's mother was being charged for second-degree Murder. Your being charged for murder and then your little girl is shot in the head and later dies in the hospital. Yea, that all seems out-the-blue, what a coincidence, and how did this happen -.-.? But they haven't released any names and are going to do a Autopsy today.

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