Thursday, June 27, 2013

         Gay Marriages.? Do I support it.? UMMMMMMMM Idunno ._. I don't particularly Support it but I don't put it down it either.  Love is love right.? So why would they keep them from each other but then again if you were raised in the Christian Community then you would know its an abomination and you were to go straight to hell o_o. I wouldn't know to support it or not to support it. I'm not really  sure but Iknow a person who does support it, Obama. And they made 36 states that allowed gays get Married. But if they were to go to a state that doesn't support it like Texas or South Carolina they wouldn't necessary get benefits and file for taxes.  But whatever happens, Happens and that's it. But if you love somebody then you need to take up challenges to be with them and be with them until the end. :) But Good Luck and do what you gotta do to be with your Soul Mate.

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