Monday, June 24, 2013

[Nothing But a Poem....]

  Look into my heart and you'll find the lies and the hate. Tears fall, and every drop shed falls into the water which slowly rises for me to drown. Pulling my self up I see the light and I crawl toward it as fast as I can. With what seems to be weight pulling me down keeping me from reaching the light I crawl slower and slower to where I finally collapse. The light disappear leaving me within the darkness. The end.? A new beginning.? Thoughts swirl around me and my eyes begin to puff, my wrists start to fall from the cracks, and my body crumbles under pressure.I scream and scream at the top of my lungs leaving me breathless and yet I wonder if anyone is there to even hear me cry. I cry and cry when I finally realize there was nothing to cry about as I wake up to find out it was all a LIE....

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